Reminders for Runners

How to take part:

To qualify for entry in the Olney Pancake Race competitors must be women of 18 years of age or older and have lived in the town of Olney for at least 3 months prior to the event or, if living away, have their permanent home in the town, or work in Olney. You can run as an individual or as part of a team with two or three others.

Things you need to bring with you on race morning:

  • You will need a skirt, a frying pan & a pancake
  • Please bring warm clothes for after the race

Please do not wear any sponsorship logos apart from those given to you by the race organisers.

Please be at race control in the marquee at 11.00am

* You will be given your race t-shirts, courtesy of our sponsors Francis Jackson Homes, plus a headscarf and apron when you register on the morning
* Publicity photos will be taken prior to the race, please be ready to assist the photographers
* It will be arranged for your coats/warm clothing to be delivered to the church, where drinks will be waiting for you after the race
* There will be one false start for the media and photographers
* The race will be started at 11.55am by the Starter

The Race:
Once you are all lined up the Starter will say
‘Toss your pancakes’…….., please toss your pancake…..
He will then say: ‘Are you ready?…..on your marks……get set…….go!’ and will ring the Pancake Bell
Once you have passed the finish line please toss your pancake again.
The first six finishers will be given place numbers. You may find the media representatives want to interview you at this point.

After the race:
Please attend the Shriving Service at the Church.
Drinks and your clothing will be in the Church. You will enter via the west door at the back of the church. Seats for the runners will be in the choir stalls, and the service lasts about 40 minutes.
The winner’s prize presentation will take place during this service – the winner receives £100, second £50 and third £25.
N.B. Please can you return your apron and headscarf at the end or bring them with you to the evening event

Evening event and Liberal Link Up:
The link with Liberal (Kansas, USA) will take place in the Church Hall at 6.45 p.m. We ask all runners, and particularly the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize winners to take part in this. Please bring family and friends – all are welcome for this special celebration!

Run since 1445 whatever the weather – so have fun and good luck!